Super Bowl-Inspired Sunday Workout

Super Bowl-Inspired Sunday Workout

Reading Super Bowl-Inspired Sunday Workout 2 minutes Next Killer Arm Workout for your Summer Shred

Busy day ahead? We've cooked up this 20 min fat burning workout to challenge yourself before settling in for the game. Get ready to feel the burn 🔥.

Ready, Set, Burn

You will need speed and form to complete this set of exercises successfully. You want to torch fat, right? Then get that heart rate up without compromising on good, safe form. You should work each exercise once to make sure you have your form locked in before starting. When you are ready to get going, move quicker and get that heart rate going at full speed. Transition quickly between each set and jump right into the next one.


But first things first, let's pick your level:


  • 3 rounds (10-12 reps with 2 minutes of rest between each round)
  • Weight: Just the bar or 10lbs


  • 4 rounds (10-12 reps with 90 seconds of rest between each round)
  • Weight: Up to 65-85lbs


  • 5 rounds (10-12 reps with 60 seconds of rest between each round)
  • Weight: 95lbs or higher 


Ready? Let’s go!


Super Bowl-Inspired Sunday Workout

Good Morning
1 set, 10-12 reps (no rest)
Barbell Deadlift
1 set, 10-12 reps (no rest)
Barbell Walking Lunge
1 set, 10-12 reps (no rest)
Seated Dumbbell Press
1 set, 10-12 reps (no rest)
Barbell Curl
1 set, 10-12 reps (no rest)
Weighted Bench Dip
1 set, 10-12 reps (no rest)
1 set, 10-12 reps (no rest)


Done and hungry for more? Go for another round.


Want to get more from your workout?

Check out our fat burners here and get ready to demolish these goals faster than ever.